Sharing the Magic of Homegrown Food

Sharing the Magic of Homegrown Food

We are preparing gardens for fall! Keep reading for:
We also want you to make the most of your summer produce! Here’s five summer recipe ideas from our new Recipe Index that:
  • Use what’s in season
  • Are easy to prepare

  • Fresh or freezer-ready

Behind The Scenes

This week we received our fall plant delivery!
This includes your favorite greens like romaine and bok choy, annual herbs like cilantro and dill, and perennial herbs like oregano and more.
We hope you’re as excited as we are for fall gardening season!

Start of Fall Planting

We start fall planting now in August!
As “long-season” spring crops like carrots and onions are harvested from the garden, we will begin to fill vacant spots with fall crop selections.
This method of ‘“succession planting” allows us to introduce new crops into your garden while allowing existing crops to reach their full potential!
What’s In Season
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Summer squash like zucchini

This year we have seen increased pressure from pests like squash vine borers. Our professional maintenance team is working hard to keep your garden healthy, but nature can be unpredictable. Thank you for your understanding!

Enjoy Your Summer Harvest

Are you looking for new ways to enjoy cooking with and sharing your backyard harvest? Try these five summer recipes from our new Recipe Index!
And don’t forget to “share the magic” of homegrown food with people you love!

Do you have a favorite summer recipe that uses fresh veggies from your garden? Share it with our Community Recipe Submission Form today!

Preserve Your Herbs Now

Now is also a good time to harvest and dry your perennial herbs! Pick them at the peak of summer growth before they look overgrown and ragged in fall.
Follow the steps in our latest video to harvest and hang-dry your herbs so they’re ready to store and enjoy all winter long!
This method is best for “woody” perennial herbs like:
  • Lavender

  • Oregano

  • Sage

  • Rosemary

  • Thyme

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