Cedar Raised Bed Garden Perfectly Suited for Stone Estate
We love helping our clients learn how to garden and feel closer to nature! This project was an amazing collaboration between Backyard Eats, a landscape architecture company, and some local masons to make this family’s edible gardening vision come to life.
Keep reading to learn more about how our time-tested garden features make growing food easy and rewarding for any skill level:

This spacious raised bed garden takes the guesswork out of soil conditions to provide an ideal environment for planting next spring. Crushed stone pathways surround the central raised bed for a classic, timeless look that makes maintenance a breeze.

A moon gate trellis adds even more growing space that will become a beautiful feature for all to enjoy…Also, how perfectly does the curve of that trellis line up with the arched doorway?

The entire garden is framed by our signature panel fence to ward off hungry critters, while an aesthetic gate arbor harmonizes the structure with the existing architecture.
A curved in-ground bed around the perimeter of the garden proves that raised beds can become a stylish and natural part of your landscape! (The best part? They can also be planted with deer-resistant plants for natural pest control.
Alongside the garden’s stone retaining wall, a raspberry trellis will provide a sweet harvest year after year. We can’t wait to see how this exciting project comes to life with the magic of homegrown food next year!

Backyard Eats provides the superior solution for anyone looking to enjoy the benefits of raised bed gardens. With our expertise and durable, custom designs, you’ll have a beautiful, hassle-free garden that will thrive for years.
Book a consultation with Backyard Eats today and start enjoying your garden!
Note: this blog post was originally published as an email newsletter on Friday, November 3, 2023. For early access to future newsletters, sign up here.