Serviceberry crisp is a delectable and comforting dessert that showcases the natural sweetness of service berries in a delightful way. With minimal ingredients and simple preparation, you can create a delicious and rustic crisp that is both satisfying and nostalgic. The juicy serviceberries, topped with a crumbly and buttery oat topping, create a harmonious blend of textures and flavors. Whether enjoyed warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or on its own, serviceberry crisp offers a delightful combination of sweet and tart tastes that will please your palate. Embrace the simplicity of making this dessert and savor its deliciousness with every spoonful.

Saskatoon Berry Crisp

Around The Nook
The juicy serviceberries, topped with a crumbly and buttery oat topping, create a harmonious blend of textures and flavors.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 8 servings


Berry Base

  • 4 cups serviceberries
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 Tbsp flour
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice (optional)


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1.5 cups rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup butter


  • Gather your ingredients, preheat oven to 350˚F and lightly grease an 8x8 inch baking dish.

Berry Base

  • Wash berries
  • Stir in ½ cup sugar and 1 tablespoon flour. (Add lemon juice at this time if using)
  • Pour into prepared pan.


  • Mix together the flour, rolled oats and brown sugar.
  • Add 1 cup butter and with your fingers or a pastry blender, blend the butter until mixture is crumbly.
  • Add crumbled mixture on top of berries.
  • Bake for 30-35 minutes until golden


This recipe came from the Around the Nook blog.

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