by Founder | Apr 11, 2023 | Harvest Guides
Get The Most Out of Your Oregano from Backyard Eats Harvesting Oregano When It’s Ready Pick individual leaves when the plant reaches at least 4″ height Pick handfuls of oregano leaves regularly to continuously stimulate growth of the plant If harvesting a large...
by Founder | Apr 11, 2023 | Harvest Guides
Get The Most Out of Your Leeks from Backyard Eats Harvesting Leeks When It’s Ready You may begin harvesting leeks when the stem reaches 1” in diameter Unlike onions, the tops of leeks do not turn brown or die back to indicate readiness for harvest August...
by Founder | Apr 11, 2023 | Harvest Guides
Get The Most Out of Your Lavender from Backyard Eats Harvesting Lavender When It’s Ready Lavender is ready when the plant begins to send up flower spikes Flowers can be harvested midsummer Harvest no more than one-third of a plant at a time to allow continued...
by Founder | Apr 11, 2023 | Harvest Guides
Get The Most Out of Your Kohlrabi from Backyard Eats Harvesting Kohlrabi When It’s Ready Harvest kohlrabi when the swollen part of the stem (bulb) is 2-3 inches in diameter Mid-late June – early July How To To harvest leaves, cut the leaf stems 1 inch...
by Founder | Apr 11, 2023 | Harvest Guides
Get The Most Out of Your Kale from Backyard Eats Harvesting Kale When It’s Ready When plants are 15-18 inches tall Or when the leaves are about a foot long Kale can be eaten at many different stages of growth, the flavor develops more fully as it grows larger....