Summer Squash

Summer Squash

 Get The Most Out of Your Summer Squash from Backyard Eats Harvesting Summer Squash Zucchini Blossoms You can harvest squash flowers for an early summer treat. First, learn how to tell male and female flowers apart. Male flowers are hairier, have a thin base, and...


 Get The Most Out of Your Shallots from Backyard Eats Harvesting Shallots When It’s Ready When the necks of the shallot are soft, and the tops begin to fall over, gently remove from soil and allow to sit in the sun for up to a week before use. Late June –...


 Get The Most Out of Your Scallions from Backyard Eats Harvesting Scallions When It’s Ready When the scallions are about the diameter of a dime When the stalks are firm and tall Late June – October When It’s Too Late When the scallions have begun to...


 Get The Most Out of Your Sage from Backyard Eats Harvesting Sage When It’s Ready Harvest individual leaves as often as desired, once the plant has been established. In the second year, cut down stems leaving 6” on the plant. April – December How To Use a...


 Get The Most Out of Your Rosemary from Backyard Eats Harvesting Rosemary  When It’s Ready When the plant is at at least 4″ tall Harvest no more than one-third of a plant at a time to allow regrowth Harvest at any time of the season April – December...