Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Fill another bowl with cold water and a handful of ice cubes.
Wash Tatsoi leaves and cut into thick strips. You can use a salad spinner to rinse.
Dump Tatsoi into boiling water, tine for exactly one minute, then drain immediately into a colander and dump into bowl with ice water.
While Tatsoi is cooling in ice water, get a plastic bowl with a tight-fitting lid that's large enough to hold all the Tatsoi.
Mix dressing ingredients in this bowl, then drain Tatsoi well and add to dressing.
Chill in the refrigerator an hour or more, turning bowl over a few times so Tatsoi remains coated with the dressing.
To serve, use tongs or a slotted spoon to remove Tatsoi from bowl and arrange on serving plates.
Toast sesame seeds for 1-2 minutes in a dry pan and sprinkle over salad. (If using a mixture of sesame seeds, the black ones burn more quickly than the white ones.)
Serve immediately. This salad is best freshly made.